Die Erstellung eines Karriereplans ist eine sehr individuelle Angelegenheit und hängt stark von Deinen persönlichen Fähigkeiten, Deinen Bedürfnissen sowie Deiner …
Impulse für Menschen

Persönliches Coaching
Neue Wege für Dich und Deine Beziehungen

Coach Entwicklung
Entwickeln und Verbessern Deiner Fähigkeiten als Coach

Team Entwicklung
Entwicklung und Verbesserug von Teams und Teambeziehungen
Was macht den Bald Coach aus?

Coaching Stil
"Peter's coaching enabled me to move through multiple challenging times in my life including career choices, relocation, and personal aspects. The sessions enabled me to build tools to evaluate how I felt about situations, dig into why I felt that way, and build useful Go Dos to create a productive positive outcome. I would thoroughly recommend the services to anyone seeking clarity and tangible outcomes from coaching."

Alix Lonney
Systems Project Manager, Falmouth University
"I would like to express my highest gratitude & appreciation for your participation on my Offsite. The engagement provided has been highly valuable. Acting, embracing and working as 1 team is key. Thanks to your help, we reinforced internal synergies that create the best teams as well as managed to build team cohesiveness in great strides -getting many new joiners up to speed - setting up the scene for a great 2017! Thanks again for your ongoing support!"

Juan-Carlos Carrera
Director Customer Success, Services and Sales Delivery, Latin America BMC Software
"After working for 14 years in diverse business environments, I felt the urge to redefine my personal and professional objectives. The coaching sessions with Peter brought the neutral but also creative external perspective that I needed to get more confidence and make the right decisions. By actively listening, asking questions, discussing options and sometimes questioning my position, he helped me find the best solutions for myself."

Elsa Blume
Expert Consultant Leadership & Talent Development, The Boston Consulting Group
“Peter used fascinating exercises that were profound and insightful. He helped me pinpoint areas to focus on how to grow as a manager and redefine my work/life Prioirties.“

Yasmine Lopez
Senior Med Benefits, Salt Lake City
“Peter I would like to sincerely thank you for your support in preparing a Team development workshop for the leadership team. Your open sharing as well as your huge wisdom and expertise and mental support helped me to conduct the session with very good feedback from the participants. You have been a great partner and asset for the team”

Dragos Carciumaru
Lenovo Software Development Manager
"It’s been a pleasure to have Peter for two days moderating my team’s Lencioni Advantage program. It’s been a breakthrough for them, as you can imagine they were quite sceptical in the very beginning but feedback at the end was stunning. In the nutshell all team members said “it was the best planning day in my business day”

Michal Kowalik
Chief Sales Officer
Erfolg im Fokus

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Bin ich die richtige Person für Deine Situation? Lass es uns gemeinsam herausfinden! Wie würdest Du mich am liebsten kontaktieren?
Email: peter@baldcoach.com
Telephone: +49 172 8920623
Oder ist es Dir lieber, wenn ich Dich kontaktiere? Kein Problem, eine kurze Information wann und wie und ich melde mich zurück.