The difference between mentoring and coaching

These terms are often used interchangeably which creates confusion.  Whats the real difference? My first experience with a coach was a few years back now – someone offered me a free coaching session. I took up the offer and that person in just one hour helped me overcome a career roadblock that had been holding me back for years. The nice thing was, he did that without offering a single piece of advice – he “tickled” the solution out of me.  It was sort of obvious – but it hadn’t clicked. That’s the beauty of Coaching.   

Mentoring is somewhat more directional  –  a mentor is an  expert I can learn from.  A mentor is someone who is very good at a skill I would like to become better at.  Its like learning from a pro ! Teach me how to do it.  Help me learn from your mistakes  A mentor is a role model in an area that helps me excel at myself. 

Hope this helps.